Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My First Blog Post!

I have finally joined the 21st Century and have joined Facebook, Twitter, and created a blog all in one, rainy, muggy night. A little about myself- I am currently a 1st grade school teacher in New England, but next year I am going to be the library media specialist of two schools. I can't wait- I'm thrilled to bits about it! Right now I'm single and really like it that way. I am busy with a beautiful vegetable garden I've planted, as well as berry bushes behind my condo complex. (That gorgeous picture to the right is not my raspberry bush- my berries haven't ripened yet. I'll add pictures of my own soon). When the summer comes and I don't have course work, I will pick up my needle and thread for embroidery, or perhaps even my paint brush. I will eat sushi with my friends, go to Omega Institute, and just generally play.


  1. Slowpoke! I already have four blogs!! Of course, nobody reads them...

  2. You have four blogs? You didn't tell me that? Will I be able to understand any of them?
